1. The GRANATOS LIVE festival is hereinafter referred to as the “Festival”.
2. The start date and time of the Festival: 9 a.m. on August 4, 2023. Door opens at 6 p.m. on August 3, 2023.
3. The end date and time of the Festival: August 6, 2023 at 12 p.m.
4. The location of the Festival: Lithuanian Open Air Museum, L. Lekavičiaus g. 2, Rumšiškės.
5. Objective of the Rules and Regulations: to define the rights and responsibilities of the Festival participants and to ensure their safety and the smooth proceeding of the Festival.
6. The area of the Festival: enclosed area of the Festival that may be accessed with a ticket or accreditation; the tickets are distributed by the Organiser or on its behalf. Permission to enter any zone of the Festival is granted after the Organiser of the Festival substitutes the acquired ticket or accreditation with a special wristband. The participants shall keep and wear this special wristband throughout the Festival. Any individuals without a special wristband that grants access into a particular zone shall be removed from that zone of the Festival.
7. The minimum allowed drinking age is 20 years old.
8. Each participant of the Festival (individual who has entered the area of the Festival) unconditionally accepts and undertakes to observe these Rules and Regulations.
9. Each participant of the Festival who has entered the area of the Festival is responsible for his/her own health, safety, and life. Participants of the Festival shall respect the rights and legitimate interests of the other participants. A participant of the Festival shall immediately inform the Organiser or security officers about any violations of these Rules and Regulations.
10. Each participant of the Festival who has entered the area of the Festival bears sole responsibility for the safety, loss, or damage of his/her belongings.
11. Each participant of the Festival agrees and does not object to being searched before he/she enters the active and/or camping zone in order to ensure that he/she is not carrying any objects that are prohibited by the Rules and Regulations or any other objects that pose a threat to society. The participants who possess any objects that are prohibited by the Rules and Regulations and/or any other objects that pose a threat to society shall not be allowed to enter the area of the Festival, irrespective of the fact that they have purchased a Festival ticket.
12. Within and around the entire area of the Festival, the participants are prohibited to make bonfires, use barbecues, grills, or other similar devices that are related to setting a fire.
13. It is prohibited to destroy and damage museum exhibits and objects of nature, wilfully cut or ruin the trees, bushes, and parterres, decimate anthills or bird nests, pose danger to the safety or life of other individuals, drop litter, or pollute the atmosphere.
14. Smoking in or close to any exhibit (homestead) of Lithuanian Open Air Museum is strictly prohibited.
15. It is prohibited to be at any exhibit (homestead) of Lithuanian Open Air Museum at night.
16. The participants of the festival shall observe the instructions given by the individuals who are responsible for the safety of the Festival. Failure to observe such instructions may result in the participants’ removal from the area of the Festival without the right to return at a later stage.
17. It is prohibited to perform any commercial and/or promotional activities in the area of the Festival without the written consent of the Organiser.
18. Festival’s participant agrees to be filmed and photographed during the whole period of the Festival on its site. Organiser has the right to use this material for advertising purposes in any way and any media channel for indefinite period of time. Participant of the Festival understands and agrees, that there will drones flying above the territory of the Festival, which means above the Participants themselves.
19. Throughout the entire area of the Festival, the participants can only pay in cash.
20. Access to the area of the Festival shall not be granted to:
a) Individuals who are banned from participating in mass events by a court order;
b) Individuals who are obviously under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other psychotropic substances;
c) Individuals who carry guns or other dangerous objects, explosives, psychotropic substances, flammable materials, or alcoholic beverages;
d) Individuals who behave aggressively, brutally, and may pose a threat to the participants of the Festival;
e) Underage participants entering the Festival without accompaniment of and adult person;
f) Individuals who do not have a valid ID.
21. It is prohibited to bring the following objects into the area of the Festival:
a) Guns;
b) Alcoholic beverages;
c) Narcotics and related paraphernalia;
d) Pyrotechnics and other flammable and explosive materials;
e) Promotional items that are not concerted upon with the Organiser;
f) Any glass containers;
g) Drones;
h) Pointy-end umbrellas;
i) Grills, camping stoves, portable gas stoves, cookers or similar objects;
j) Axes, knifes or similar cold weapons;
k) Other objects prohibited by the Organiser of the Festival.
22. The participants of the Festival must be careful in the water; they should not overrate their capabilities or go into or near the water under the influence of the alcoholic beverages.
23. The participants of the Festival can bring pets according to animal care and control regulations.
24. The participants of the Festival agree and do not object to the fact that the sound emitted during the Festival may exceed the usual sound level norms.
25. The participants of the Festival undertake to behave in the active zone of the Festival with good manners and responsibility and to not pollute or damage nature.
26. On the camping sites, the participants of the Festival shall behave with care and let other participants rest.
27. In the camping zone, participants are allowed to set up tents only in the specially designated green areas or other places indicated by the persons authorised by the Organiser of the Festival. It is prohibited to build tent shelters or arbours, pavilions or any non-sleeping structure in the camping zone.
28. The camping zone shall be equipped with toilets, shower-rooms, and/or water basins. Additional fee applies for shower-rooms.
29. The participants of the Festival shall be allowed to bring UNOPENED water or soft beverages and food products into the camping zone.
30. Vehicles can only be parked in the parking zone. It is prohibited to leave vehicles in a non-designated zone and/or on the roadside.
31. Parking zone restrictions: it is prohibited to consume alcohol, drugs or any other psychotropic substances, make noise, make bonfires, light grills or portable picnic stoves, damage the property that belongs to others.
32. The parking zone can be entered for a second time only after purchasing a new ticket.
33. A set fee applies for the entry to the parking zone.
34. Organiser of the Festival is not responsible for the safety of the vehicles, their loss or the damage.
35. Tickets may be purchased in advance at granatos.live and www.kakava.lt or at the ticket offices located at the entrance to the Festival.
36. When entering the area of the Festival, a Festival ticket shall be substituted with a Festival wristband. Only an original ticket purchased in accordance with the requirements set forth by the official distributor of the Festival tickets may be substituted with a Festival wristband. The organiser of the Festival notes that forged or counterfeit tickets shall not be substituted with Festival wristbands. A wristband is valid only when it is on the participant’s wrist. It grants entry to the Festival for one person only. If a wristband is damaged or torn off, it is considered invalid. In that case to re-enter the festival area the Participant must purchase another ticket.
37. Children under 10 are granted free entry to the Festival provided that they are accompanied by their parent(s) or guardian(s). If a participant of the Festival is under 18, he/she can participate in the Festival only if accompanied by an adult who takes full responsibility for him/her. At the entrance, the adult who is responsible for the juvenile in question shall sign a Declaration of Responsibility for the accompanied juvenile.
38. The festival ticket allows you only to entrance to the festival, it doesn’t allow to set up tents in the camping area. Camping access is allowed with the Festival with camping ticket or special camping ticket. The amount of festival tickets with camping and special camping tickets is limited.
39. Within the area of the Festival, the participants of the Festival shall behave themselves so that they do not pose a threat to the other participants. It is strictly forbidden to damage the signs, promotional signboards, and music- or other kind of equipment that is located in the area of the Festival.
40. The Organiser shall ensure public order during the Festival in co-operation with the Lithuanian police, security agencies, information centre, medical stations, fire and rescue department, and ambulance service.
41. If required, the Organiser can change the location of the Festival in order to ensure the safety of the participants of the Festival.
42. The Festival security officers, who shall wear special clothing, are entitled to:
a) Check tickets/wristbands;
b) Check IDs of the participants of the Festival in order to establish their identity and/or age;
c) Check the personal belongings, handbags, backpacks, clothes (including pockets) of the participants of the Festival if the latter are suspected to carry any objects prohibited by the Rules and Regulations into the area of the Festival. Security officers are entitled to remove from the area of the Festival a participant who carries any prohibited objects. Such a person is allowed to enter only if he/she leaves the prohibited objects outside the area of the Festival. If any alcoholic beverages are discovered in a bag, handbag, or backpack owned by a participant of the Festival, security officers are entitled to confiscate them. Confiscated items will not be returned. If any drugs, or other psychotropic substances, guns, life-threatening objects, explosives, or flammable materials are discovered on the participant of the Festival or in his/her bag, handbag, or backpack, security officers are entitled to detain such person, fill in a protocol, and give him/her over to the police along with the confiscated items;
d) Give instructions to the participants of the Festival;
e) Exercise force in order to protect the rights and safety of other participants of the Festival or in self-defence as well as to ensure the safety of the Festival items.
43. If Participant behaves aggressively the Organiser and security personnel have the right to remove him/her from the festival area as well as to remove his/her wristband.
44. The Festival shall be managed by the Organiser, persons authorised by the Organiser, security officers, ticket inspectors, supervisors, volunteers, and all sensible citizens.
45. Individuals who violate these Rules and Regulations shall be immediately withdrawn from the area of the Festival; their tickets shall not be reimbursed, and they shall be held liable for the damage in accordance with the law.
46. The Orginser has the right to modify the program or/and entertainment schedule.
47. These Rules and Regulations may be altered upon a unilateral decision of the Organiser. They are published on the official website of the Festival and information centres located in the area of the Festival.
48. The Organiser holds sole ownership of all the rights to the name and logo of the Festival. Only the persons authorised by the Organiser shall sell the official Festival paraphernalia in the area of the Festival.

Lithuanian Open Air Museum
July 26-28
© GRANATOS LIVE 2024 – All rights reserved